Councillors Present

David Kellett, Jo Powell, Andrew Waite and Clare Pollak together with four villagers.

Item 1

1a. Apologies

Cllr Roberts

1b. Introduction

       The Vice Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Item 2

2a. Confirmation of minutes of last meeting held on 11th October 2007

       The minutes were agreed and signed as a true record.  These were proposed by Cllr Powell and seconded by Cllr Waite.

2b. Matters Arising

       There were no matters arising from the previous minutes.

3.   Declaration of Interest

4.    Update on Underground Cabling

Central Networks had sent a map of the village detailing where the work would be carried out.  It would improve the appearance overall but there is an issue with the lamp standards.  Central Networks have agreed  that the Parish Council can take over ownership of the wooden poles which would be instead of replacement galvanised steel columns.  This is a preferable option for the council.  The council would need to look at light fittings which would be more energy efficient and the Clerk is still to find out public liability insurance costs.

       From the floor Mr Prior asked if he could pay for the work outside his house to be placed underground rather than wrapping the wires.  The council would ask Central Networks if it is a possibility.  He also asked why some wires are wrapped and others put underground.  The council would find out for the next meeting.

       Mrs Barrett asked where the poles would be cut and DK replied at half height.

5.   Update on work on Castle Green

        Cllr Pollak gave a progress report on the Castle Green Restoration Project.

Access Path 

Repairs now completed, invoice received and awaiting payment by Underwood & Weston.

Residents request 

CP has not had time to speak to George about wildflowers, but spoke informally to one of them explaining the situation.


There has been an unavoidable delay, and an advert will be in the January newsletter.

Geophysical Survey

No further news on the Report from Northants Archaeology.
The Archaeologist, Richard Ivens, has completed his watching brief on the wall, and is awaiting the Geophysical Survey report from Northants Archaeology before he can write his report on the work. 

The Wall Restoration Project


6-week site meeting with Rhodes Partners

Cecil Rhodes confirmed that the final cost was still within the agreed margin of an extra £3000 + vat, and the work would be finished within the contracted time, end of November.
He is having problems getting information from NCC Highways about the bollards on the bend next to Wemyss Farm road, but hopes this will be resolved next week.


Invoices from Underwood & Weston and Morris have been paid.  The next invoice from Underwoods is due soon.  Funding has been received from SNC (£15,000) and County Council’s VSSU (£15,777).  The total amount received is £30,777.  An application for the second tranche of funding is being submitted to HLF, and this should be received in time to pay Underwood and Weston’s final invoice. 

Pollak Wall

The damage inside the gateway has been made good in Dry stone walling, and Hen & Chick capping has been built along the top.  The Pollaks are to pay £320 for the H&C.

A vote of thanks was given to CP and the committee for all their work on this project.

The Pocket Park had been inspected now and it re-inforced what has been said at previous meetings.   Some of the work will have to be done professionally but most of it can be done in-house to reduce the overall cost.

The Clerk noted that the Sulgrave grant had not been moved into the Pocket Park bank account as an invoice had been received from Wicksteed.

Cllr’s Osborne and Kellett had met with George Metcalfe in Pocket Park.  There is grass cutting to be done, hedges to be cut and the area around the pond is overgrown.  It is a lot less complicated than first thought and a working party  can do the basic remedial work.  The summer meadow was not cut by Phillip  Daynes but this can done locally.  Once the area is cut around the pond it can be maintained.  It was felt by all that once the area starts to look more attractive, the role of Pocket Park Warden may be more appealing to someone.

From the floor, Mrs Barrett asked if she could see a copy of the Pocket Park inspection report.  The Clerk agreed to email one to her.  She asked what the main points of the report were.  DK replied that labelling of the equipment was one point and more bark is needed around the swing area.

Cllr Pollak felt that the key to resolving the problem was having a reliable group of people that could help out regularly.

Cllr Pollak had received an email from Christina Shillito, the footpath warden.  The new Rights of Way Officer is Chloe Sutton and she is proposing to come to Sulgrave soon to look at the footpaths.  AY8 is inpassable and needs proper drainage.  AY4 is dangerous as there are cracks in the railway tunnel.  The gate could be changed on this path as it is not good for riders.    The footpath up by the Gated Road was tried to be diverted but one objection was received.  Changes may be made to make it into a permissive path.  This list of jobs has been forwarded to NCC Rights of Way Department.

Community Speedwatch
Cllr Powell noted that she needs fourteen more signatures before sending off at the end of November.  Jill Barrett took a blank sheet and agreed to try and get some signatures from the residents of Towrise.

        Cllr Waite is still working on the supply of water to the allotment area.  A meeting with all users was held in October and they cleared the weeds and shared ideas.  There are two spare plots now which will be advertised as Christina Shillito’s is smaller than thought.

8.   Finance Report

The Clerk had circulated a spend to date spreadsheet prior to the meeting.

Cheques for approval

£915.14 to Wicksteed Leisure
£66.98 to John Hicks & Associates (Playground Inspection)
£158.63 to BDO Stoy Hayward LLP (completion of audit 2006/7)
£133.75 to Sulgrave Church Hall (hire of hall for mtgs)

     The cheques were proposed by Cllr Waite and seconded by Cllr Pollak.

The signed Annual return was presented by the Clerk to the council.  Cllr Pollak  proposed that it be approved and accepted and this was seconded by Cllr Powell.  The appropriate notices would be put on the notice-board.

9.   Update on Planning Applications

There was nothing to report on planning.

10. Correspondence

The only item of correspondence received was the Atkins Winter Service leaflet for 2007/8.  Copies were put in the shop to be given out.

Item 11 – Open Forum

Mrs J Barrett thanked the council for the recent flyer as there have been some months when she has not received one.

Item 12 - Next meeting

12a.    Matters for consideration at the next meeting

          Update on Underground Cabling
          Work in Pocket Park

12b.   Date and time of next meeting

       10th January 2008 at 7.30pm in the Church Hall    

Meeting closed at 8.30pm